What Do We Owe Each Other? Untangling Compassion, Politics, and Connection
Welcome to We Interrupt Your Programming with Dr. Corinne Votaw-Freer, social psychologist and humanist. This episode unpacks the question: What do we owe to each other? Exploring empathy, political narratives, and collective responsibility, we challenge divisive stereotypes.
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Behind the Glitter: Commercialism, Loneliness, and Empathy at Christmas
Explore the tangled web of holiday traditions, commercialism, loneliness, and empathy in this reflective journey through the season. From corporate manipulation to service workers' struggles, uncover what truly matters beneath the glitter of the holidays.
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Breaking the Code: Healthcare, Violence, and the Price of Programming
Dr. Corinne Votaw-Freer examines how genetics, media, and systems shape beliefs, using two tragedies—the 1998 HMO protest-suicide of Daniel Jones and the vigilante murder of a healthcare executive—to expose systemic failures, explore empathy, and challenge societal programming.
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