Approach & Method

In my therapy practice, I embrace Gestalt psychology principles, emphasizing the value of understanding a person's entire experience rather than dissecting it into smaller parts. I believe individuals perceive and make sense of the world uniquely and holistically. This perspective guides my interactions with clients, striving to see the world through their eyes and understand their experiences as complete wholes.

I prioritize the present moment in therapy, encouraging clients to explore their current feelings and behaviors within a safe space. This approach aligns with Gestalt therapy's emphasis on awareness and presence. I use creative and experiential techniques to help clients delve into their immediate perceptions and understand how these perceptions relate to their broader life challenges. By focusing on the 'here and now,' clients can uncover and address unresolved issues, leading to deeper self-awareness and personal growth.

Gestalt principles of visual perception, such as similarity, proximity, continuity, and closure, deeply influence my practice. These principles are practical tools that help structure therapy sessions to make them more effective and meaningful. By applying these principles, I guide clients in recognizing patterns in their thoughts and behaviors, helping them see the bigger picture of their lives and how various aspects are interconnected.

The holistic nature of Gestalt psychology shapes my approach to therapy beyond individual sessions. I view the therapeutic process as a journey of integration, weaving together different facets of a person's life, experiences, and relationships into a coherent whole. This perspective enriches my understanding of human behavior and cognition, allowing me to provide comprehensive and empathetic support. Gestalt psychology is a fundamental part of how I view and practice therapy, fostering a deeper connection and understanding with each individual I work with.

Additional Methods

I create a personalized therapy plan for each client, integrating various methods such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Self-Determination Theory, Trauma-Focused therapy, and approaches focused on LGBTQ+ experiences. This blend allows me to offer a tailored approach that matches each client's unique problems, aims, and situations.

For example, ACT helps clients accept their thoughts and emotions without judgment, encouraging them to take actions aligned with their personal values and adapt to different situations. Self-Determination Theory boosts motivation and independence by helping clients pursue their goals in a way that feels right to them. Trauma-Focused therapy techniques carefully address and heal past traumatic experiences, improving coping strategies. For LGBTQ+ clients, I provide therapy that pays special attention to our unique challenges and life experiences, ensuring a supportive and validating environment for exploring identity and relationships.

By thoughtfully blending these therapy styles, I aim to give each client a tailored and effective therapy experience, promoting personal growth and healing in a caring and respectful setting.

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